Review: My Happy Ever After by D.K. Linda



Title: My Happy Ever After

By:  D.K. Linda

Pages in book: 58 pages

Book purchased or given: Given

Form: E-Book

Review:   * * *

Book Description: Talia and Michele met and fell into perfect love, just like in the romance novels that inspired it all for them. There would never be enough time with each other. How do you go on when you lose the love of your life?

Book Review: I have to say some books are amazing and then some, one just doesn’t understand, I have to say the beginning of this book was hard for me to read. It didn’t flow well, with all the jumping around. It was tough for me to keep going and keep reading this book. I did stick with it and then came the end.

The end in my opinion was amazing you were able to connect and feel like they were  falling in love with people. and then the ending wow it was a shocker, if the whole novella would have been as clear and clean cut as the ending it would have been much better.

You really should read this book, the ending is so heartfelt and amazing. If I could review just the ending it’s self I would totally give this a 5 but since this book review is based on the whole book it’s self. I give it a three.




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